Testing method of wear resistant rate of zirconia ball

2019-05-29 10:02:09 Zhao jinliang 26

                                   Testing method of wear resistant rate of Zirconia ball

  1. Method for detecting the wear rate of zirconia balls under the condition of material grinding

In a 1L alumina ceramic tank, 1KG of zirconia balls to be tested are charged, 150g of water, 300g of zirconium silicate (zircon sand), 2g of sodium tripolyphosphate, capped, and fixed in a fast mill. The mill was continuously ground for 5 hours, and the zirconia balls were taken out, washed, dried, and weighed. The belt wear (Rm) of the qualified zirconia balls is required to be less than 0.15%/5h, or less than 0.03%/h.

2. Method for detecting the wear rate of zirconia balls without grinding (self-grinding) grinding conditions

In a volume of 1L alumina ceramic tank, 700g of zirconia balls to be tested were placed, 300g of water was added, capped, fixed on a turntable in a fast mill for 5 hours, and the zirconia balls were taken out and dried. , weighing. The wear rate (Rs) of a qualified zirconia ball is required to be less than 0.3%/5h, or less than 0.06%/h.