Dextrin used as temporary binder for vitrified mix to mold grinding wheels

2019-05-22 13:31:25 Zhao Jinliang 94

                          Dextrin used as temporary binder for vitrified mix to mold grinding wheels.   

 Appearance -  This material is a thin yellow powder.

 Product – It is a corn starch compounded by glucose polymers

Binder property - Glutinous when moistened with water


Bulk Density  g/cm3  -  min – 0,45      max – 0,50

Viscosity CPS – 20.000

Particle Size  -   Dry sieve analysis

 U.S. Standard Sieve Sizes              Retained % 

      100 mesh                                       0.0  

      200 mesh                              Less than 3.0